my 8 days of 1: hellooo dear, did nothing much except shopping. & i bought 2 clothes yay !! anyway we went to nanjing road & did a lot of walking. as you knw, i dread walking so it was really tough for me but well as long as you get to shop, nothing is a problem. (: ohh !! & i really miss you & i feel like going home on the first day. awww ! but 7 more days to go i really hope i can survive ! :/
day2: yo darling ! okay i shall call you a different name everytime i say hi. :) anyway i went to shanghai oriental pearl tower today. the view was really nice as we can see a grand view of shanghai. after that we went to shanghai history museum(wax). omg ! the wax man was really real. & then we went to suzhou, 2 hrs bus journey & we went to visit singapore industrial park, suzhou ancient houses, ohh its damn pretty & i really hope i could buy it & live with you there. (: at night, the tour guide bought us to guan qian street & i bought you a present there. hehe, i have been thinking of you all day laa !! okay, i going to sleep bye !
imy !! 8/6/08
day3: i guess you must be busy playing game now. tsk tsk tsk ! did you miss me ? haha. today i went to silk factory in suzhou. super a lot of mosquitos laa !! waste of my time also. after that we went to wuzhen & we visited a place which is damn heavenly !! little houses, little river but just 1 bad thing. its's raining ! & i caught a cold ! had lunch & then we went to hangzhou, we went to visit a temple upon arrival, okay i forgot the name cause its raining & i have been sneezing. i really feel like going home !! its been raining 1 whole day, damn retarded, go everwhere also bu fang bian !! ohh ! i has mac today ! its the most delicious food i have eaten ! :) after that they bought us to a damn old threatre & we watch a drama which is freaking nice !! anyway, im going to bed alrdy ! bye honey ! :] i love you !!
day 4: today morning i went to xi hu & took a boat to roam around the lake, the journey around the lake was 1/2 hr which is damn wasteof time as its raining again. my shoes was soak with water ! yucks ! after that we head to tea plantation & i was given green tea to drink. you knw i didnt like green tea but its rude not to drink so i drank it. :/ mum & dad bought a lot of tea food, haha ! tea food means food make out of tea ! in the afternoon, we took 4 hrs bus to nanjing. ohh bad ! you knw nanjing has this bad history of japanese occupation killing 400,000 ppl. i'm damn sad, i wish you were here. upon reaching, we went to visit a old house of a famous woman, i cant rmb her name though. then we went to have dinner & we went to fu zi street for shopping. bad place ! i saw a robbery right in front of me in my whole life but i couldnt help to chase thought i ran fast haha ! bcos i dont knw the place well ! what if i got lost while chasing ?! hehe, time to go to bed. got to wake up at 6 tmrw. bye love ! muacks ! imy !!
day 5: hello laogong ! can i call you that ? ohh man, i really miss you & sgp. i cant wait to go back ! food not nice, drity places but the big problem is i am getting fat ! but i didnt eat much. must be those salty & oily food. today morning the tour guide bought us to changjiang bridge. damn nice ! anyway, thats in nanjing. after that we went to a place where they sell jade. super boring & the jade are expensive. ohh ! after that we went to wuxi, another city which bus ride last for 2 hrs plus again. snore ! zzz. first place of interest in wuxi that we went was san guo cheng. you knw san guo yan yi ? its the filming place. the place is damn cool ! i love it. more knowledge of history yay ! after that is dinner & shopping at parkson. boring day today ! tmrw im going back to shanghai alrdy. 3 more days ! home sweet home yay ! imy !! :D got to slp alrdy ! slp early dear !
day 6: hello my another significant half ! :] today is alrdy my 6th day in china. yes ! im finally going back in 2 days time ! :D miss you like 1000x laa ! ohh well, today morning was really boring, we went to some pearl factory that sell pearls of cos. haha ! waste time ! those pearls are expensive, well thought i love it but my parents wont buy for me & i dont need it so no point also. but you knw it was a really unpleasant trip there as the service was really bad ! those china woman, talk damn loud ! rude to the max. after that my mum & a auntie went to complain abt her & she was punished. ohh ! i got scolded, not only me though, my new friends too. there is this auntie that scolded us when we refuse to buy a thing that she offered, i mean the price cos i wanted to buy for you but my dad told me if she offered too expensive then dont buy but she scolded me when i tried to walk away ! angry ! rawrrr ! soon after, we went to a teapot factory & mum bought 2 set of teapot ! its damn nice laa ! but you knw, i was almost knock down by a bus that day. the bus was just a few cm away from me when it went past me. at the time, you flash through my mind. well, glad im fine. then we went back to shanghai. in shanghai, we went to a woman's tomb & a fengshui master teach us abt fengshui. you knw the mirror on your cupboard is not good for you bcos its facing your bed ? cover it with something before you slp okay ? its bad for your health. :( ohh ! after that we had dinner & we went to take a cruise down huangpu jiang. hehe, damn nice ! the night scenery was damn cool but i got sea sick after a while. haha ! poor me.. okay ! im damn tired i swear ! now its late ! 12 midnight alrdy ! gd night & bye ! I LOVE YOU !!
day 7: hi bf ! im finally going back to sgp tmrw ! its contradicting, i cant bear to go back & i cant wait to go back. haha ! the things here are cheap thats why they attract me but i would prefer sgp bcos my love is there. haha ! did you miss me ? see you soon okay ?! i cant wait.. anyway, today was another day at shanghai. we went to a chinese medicine shop & there goes 1000rmb. my mum bought med laa, could have save the money to do more shopping. rahhh ! after that the tour guide bought us to a street to do some shopping yay ! mingli is extremely happy you knw ! but it turns out to be a unhappy trip also. bcos i saw a lot of things that i like but mum wont buy for me. :( had mac for dinner & here im back at the hotel. & i kind of like injured my ankle a little. IMISSYOU.
* i guess we dont need them now. i realise that no matter how sad i feel when im with you, it is nothing compared to feeling worse being without you.