Tuesday, May 5, 2009

what can i say abt those uncertainty?
there are qns i never want to knw the ans.
because i simply lack the confidence to do so.
& it sucks totally to knw that this friend of yours is not helping.

it actually doesnt matter what he say.
just as long as you believe in me, nothing really matters.
but again, i still doubt that.
thats because once again i feel it.

has been easily feeling sad these days not knwing why i do,
but i guess that photo was one of the reason.
i sldnt have always think abt it yet it comes naturally.
ohh yea, im unsure of what this friend of mine asked you.
& im unsure of whats your ans too.

& yes i can sense another thing.
im just unsure whether its here alrdy or its still on its way.
but i dont knw if i would rather not knw abt it,
or feel upset over it.

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