aren't the octopus adorable?!
my bro gave it to me as advance birthday present,
haha cos i refuse to leave that shop without it! :D
loveeee it lots! (:
i went malaysia for shopping today,
went in the morning & came back only in the evening!
the worse thing is i wore heels,
& i had like 7 blisters on my foot! it hurts like mad. ):
i cant even walk anymoreee.
then i told mummy to buy me a new pair of slippers.
this is what she say, "YOU BOUGHT 4PAIR OF SHOES THIS YR!"
& she bought me a pack of plaster instead, how nice! :/
but with senior's concern, the hurt reduce by half.
after that we went to eat thai food at some thai restaurant!
the food is super ex & super spicyyy! :/
but quite niceeee!
except that my seafood by the sea's request is rejected.
i wanna see the full moon tonight too.